Water Encroachment

Chapter 105 Water Encroachment Permits

Streams, floodways, lakes, ponds, wetlands, and other bodies of water are essential habitats for wildlife, improve water quality of our stormwater runoff, and help to reduce flooding. As a result, activities in or near these features are regulated by state and federal laws. In general, disturbance activities in them typically require a permit.

water draining under road

Permitted activities include, but are not limited to flood attenuation, channeling, piping, bridging, relocation, floodway encroachment, and wetland disturbances.

At this time the District/DEP requires that all chapter 105 permits be applied for through the e-permit process. If an applicant is unable to use this process, paper applications are still accepted by approval from the District Executive.

Pond Information

General information on building and maintaining a pond and what permits are needed for these activities can be found here.

Disturbances in and around ponds are reviewed by the Department of Environmental Protection on a case-by-case basis. However, the BCCD can assist you with general technical assistance regarding ponds, regulations associated with them, and potential permits required for building, maintaining, or removing ponds.

To contact the correct Resource Conservation Technician (RCT), identify the municipality your project is located in and use the territory map listed below.

Need help determining if permits or other regulatory requirements from DEP are required for bridge and culvert maintenance and repair? DEP’s Bridge and Culvert Maintenance & Repair Tool is an online interactive tool designed to assist bridge and culvert owners in determining what, if any, permit and notification requirements are needed for bridge and culvert maintenance and repair. By answering questions about the bridge and culvert, the nature of the proposed work, and to avoid delays the tool will direct you on how to move forward with your project. Click the button listed below to utilize this tool.

Pre-Application Meetings

Pre-application (pre-app) meetings are highly encouraged before officially submitting an application to the District. Performing a pre-app meeting allows the District to get an understanding of the project before it is officially submitted and ensure that the application is ready to be submitted. To schedule a pre-app with the District, follow the steps below:

  • Fill out the Pre-app Meeting Request Form
  • Use the Resource Conservation Team (RCT) territory map listed above to determine which technician to contact to schedule a meeting depending on where the project is located.
  • Email the completed form in PDF format and a short explanation to the appropriate technician.
  • The technician will then correspond with you about meeting dates and times.

*The District Now Only Accepts Ch.105 Submissions Through Greenport. Paper Submissions Will Only Be Accepted For Specific Applicants.*

Chapter 105 Submission Requirements – Provide the following to the BCCD:

  • Application submitted on GreenPort
  • BCCD Project Application form submitted in hardcopy
  • The BCCD Review Fee payment (via check payable to BCCD) submitted in hardcopy
  • The DEP Fee payment (via check payable to the berks County Clean Water Fund) submitted in hardcopy
  • The Chapter 105 Fee Calculation Worksheet – Specifically pages one through four. Pages five through eight are examples. Submitted in hardcopy.

Contact Information

Should you wish to contact the BCCD to discuss concerns about water encroachments, permitting, or Chapter 105 compliance, contact Jason Rickards or Thomas Forsythe at (610) 372-4657.


The BCCD is delegated to review Chapter 105 General Permit numbers 1 through 9.

As part of Governor Wolf’s commitment to improve the permitting process, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has launched an e-permit for Chapter 105 Wetland and Waterway Obstruction and Encroachment GPs to make application submittal and review more efficient and enable faster responses to applicants. Furthermore, DEP is transitioning away from paper to online electronic permit applications.

In order to get started using the e-Permitting program, applicants and their consultants must register with the program. The exact registration and set-up steps are outlined in the User Guides found below. A detailed overview of each step of a User and EFA are outlined in the Getting Started In Chapter 105 General Permit E-Permitting – User Guides Supplement and Summary.

Explore PaDEP's webpage with instructional videos to assist Applicants and Consultants in registering for Chapter 105 e-Permitting.

Applicants/owners utilize this video to assist in registering as an Electronic Filing Administrator (EFA).

Employees who are not the EFA (i.e. consultants or other users needing to register for their client) may utilize this video to assist in registering for e-Permitting.

The Applicant is required to have an Electronic Filing Administrator (EFA). The EFA the person who has signature authority for an organization and is responsible for managing the applications. EFAs should follow the registration instructions in the EFA User Guide. Visit DEP's instructional videos website for further guidance.

Consultants are considered Users or Operators and should follow the Operator Consultant User Guide. A User's Registration and Security Agreement for e-Permitting must be filed before a Consultant can operate on behalf of the Applicant. Consultants, or other users needing to register for their client, may utilize this FAQ to assist in registering for e-Permitting.

For more information, consult the Frequently Asked Questions guide or refer to DEP’s e-Permitting for Chapter 105 General Permits, Water Obstructions and Encroachments website directly.

Chapter 105 Water Encroachment Permits

Non e-Permits Procedure

At this time the DEP recommends all Chapter 105 permits be applied for through the e-Permit process. Contact the District Executive directly if you are not able to submit an application through GreenPort.

Per Pennsylvania's Dam Safety and Encroachments Act (25 PA Administrative Code Chapter 105), a Permit is required for projects involving the construction, modification, or relocation of any dam, water obstruction, or encroachment. The Act defines encroachment as "any structure or activity that in any manner changes, expands, or diminishes, the course, current, or cross-section of any watercourse, floodway, or body of water," which including wetlands.

Farm Stream

General Permits (GPs) were created for activities or structures that do not pose a significant threat to flooding or the environment.

The Berks County Conservation District is delegated by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to review and acknowledge GPs 1 through 9, which meet the conditions of the permit.

Please note that GP-10, 11 and 15 are reviewed by the DEP South Central Regional Office and not by the BCCD.

Streams, floodways, lakes, ponds, wetlands, and other bodies of water are essential habitats for wildlife, improve water quality of our stormwater runoff, and help to reduce flooding. As a result, activities in or near these features are regulated by state and federal laws. In general, disturbance activities in them typically require a permit. Permitted activities include, but are not limited to flood attenuation, channeling, piping, bridging, relocation, floodway encroachment, and wetland disturbances.

Please be advised that GP-5 applications proposing Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) to bore underneath a stream or wetland require a detailed geotechnical report as part of the application.

Furthermore, the geotechnical report will need to be reviewed by the DEP South Central Regional Office. If your GP-5 application proposes HDD, please be sure to provide the geotechnical report as part of your application to the BCCD.

Permit Types

GP-1 – Fish Habitat Enhancement Structures: This permit is used for the installation of fish habitat structures that have been approved by the PA Fish & Boat Commission

GP-2 – Small Docks & Boat Launching Ramps: This permit authorizes the installation of pile-supported and floating docks on lakes.

GP-3Bank Rehabilitation, Bank Stabilization, & Gravel Bar Removal: This permit authorizes projects that involve bank stabilization or gravel bar removal on/in streams.

GP-4Intake & Outfall Structures: This permit is used for projects such as the installation of a dry fire hydrant or a “clean water” drainpipe outfall.

GP-5Utility Line Stream Crossings: This permit applies to any utility line (gas, oil, sewer, or water) that crosses under or over a stream or wetland.

GP-6Agricultural Crossings & Ramps: This permit is to be used when crossings and ramps are installed for agricultural purposes.

GP-7 – Minor Road Crossings: This permit can be utilized when establishing a permanent road (not a parking lot) crossing through a wetland or stream using a bridge or culvert or clean fill material.

GP-8 – Temporary Road Crossings: This permit is used to establish a temporary culvert or bridge crossing.

GP-9Agricultural Activities: This permit authorizes agricultural activities (grassed waterways, terraces, diversions, waste storage facilities, spring development, or minor drainage) that encroach into streams or their flood ways.

GP-10 - Abandoned Mine Reclamation (reviewed by PADEP South Central Regional Office): includes the construction, operation, or maintenance of an encroachment or water obstruction for the reclamation of an abandoned mining site.

GP-11 – Maintenance, Testing, Repair, Rehabilitation, or Replacement of Water Obstructions and Encroachments (reviewed by PADEP South Central Regional Office): The maintenance, testing, repair, rehabilitation, or replacement of existing currently serviceable water obstructions or encroachments.

GP-15 - Private Residential Construction in Wetlands (reviewed by PADEP South Central Regional Office): includes the placement and maintenance of fill in, or the excavation of, non-tidal wetlands for the construction or expansion of a single family home for the personal residence.

JPA Joint Permit Application (reviewed by PADEP South Central Regional Office): includes all those projects that are not eligible for any of the aforementioned GPS.

Additional information

The BCCD is delegated to review Chapter 105 General Permit numbers 1 through 9.

Water Encroachment Documents and Forms

Note: All Project Applications must be sent in to the BCCD with the appropriate documents and the BCCD Plan Review Application & Review Fee Schedule

Permit Forms

LINK - GP Registration Form

PDF | Word - Fee Calculation Worksheet

PDF | Word - Aquatic Resources Impact Table

Regulations and Standard Operating Procedures

LINK - Chapter 105 Regulations

LINK - Chapter 106 Regulations


PDF - Grandfathering of PASPGP-4 Authorizations


Explore PaDEP's webpage with instructional videos to assist Applicants and Consultants in registering for Chapter 105 e-Permitting.

Useful Links


LINK - Army Corps Philadelphia District

LINK - Army Corps Baltimore District

PDF - USFWS Certified Bog Turtle Surveyors (updated annually)

PDF - Summary Chart of Chapter 105 General Permit Requirements

PDF - Guidelines for Maintaining Streams in Your Community


PDF - DEP GP Presentation

Berks County Conservation District 1238 County Welfare Road, Suite 200, Leesport, PA 19533  •  610-372-4657

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