The Berks County Conservation District, under a Level II delegation agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, administers the Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program.
Staff perform plan reviews, conduct earth disturbance inspections, respond to complaints and provide education on soil and water conservation practices for construction projects.
The district is accepting electronic digital applications, new revisions, amendments, renewals, and Notice of Terminations (NOTs).
Applicants and Consultants:
*For paper submissions, all construction/earth moving plans submitted will need to be folded. Rolled plans will not be accepted.
Click on the button below for instructions on how to submit electronically to the District.
Further information on application and submission requirements can be found in each project types page which can be navigated through clicking on the appropriate button below that relates to the type of project and application to be submitted.

To contact the correct Resource Conservation Technician (RCT), identify the municipality your project is located in and use the territory map listed below.
Pre-Application Meetings
Pre-application (pre-app) meetings are highly encouraged before officially submitting an application to the District. Performing a pre-app meeting allows the District to get an understanding of the project before it is officially submitted and ensure that the application is ready to be submitted. To schedule a pre-app with the District, follow the steps below:
- Fill out the Pre-app Meeting Request Form
- Use the Resource Conservation Team (RCT) territory map listed above to determine which technician to contact to schedule a meeting depending on where the project is located.
- Email the completed form in PDF format and a short explanation to the appropriate technician.
- The technician will then correspond with you about meeting dates and times. *Note* The District can only perform pre-app meetings on Thursdays.
*Attention* Page nine of the PAG-02 Notice of Intent (NOI) Instructions states that the earth disturbance threshold for E&S Plans under one acre is limited to 0.990 acres. Any earth disturbance at 0.991 acres or above will be rounded to one acre and require a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES).
Small Projects (accessory residential use): 5,000 square feet - 0.5 acres
Small Projects disturbing more than 5,000 sf and less than 0.50 acre (21,780 sf) for accessory residential uses (pools, patios, sheds, pole barns, etc.) and with less than 2,000 sf of impervious area, could apply. Additional, restrictions include no steep slopes in excess of 15% and no disturbance of surface waters. Applications shall be reviewed and approved within 10 business days, if the application is complete and correct. If the District does not respond within 10 business days form the date the application was submitted (applications submitted after noon are considered submitted the following business day), the project will be considered approved, with no further action by the District.
Non-NPDES: 5,000 square feet - 0.990 acres
The statewide goal of this program is to minimize accelerated erosion and sediment pollution that may result from earthmoving activities. Erosion and Sediment Best Management Practices (BMPs) are to be utilized on all earth disturbances. A written E&S plan is required to be prepared and submitted for review whenever there is earth disturbance greater than or equal to 5,000 square feet. This approved plan must be on-site during the construction activity.
NPDES: 0.991 acres and greater
The district, in conjunction with PADEP, administers the Nonpoint Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting Program for stormwater discharges associated with construction activities. Projects that generate earth disturbances greater than or equal to 1 acre are required to obtain a PAG-02 NPDES Permit. For projects from 1 acre up to 5 acres may apply for the PAG-01 program. Sites discharging to a High Quality (HQ) or Exceptional Value (EV) watershed require an Individual NPDES Permit.
Timber Harvests
The cutting and removal of trees for sale requires an Erosion and Sediment Control plan for minimizing accelerated erosion and sediment pollution that can result from earth disturbance activities. Any timber harvesting project that disturbs 25 acres or more (including the haul road, skid trails, landing areas, etc.) is required to obtain an Erosion and Sediment Control Permit (ESCP).
*NPDES PAG02 New Permit Requirements
DEP has announced the availability of the reissued PAG-02 General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activities (2024 PAG-02). A PAG-02 General Permit training course has been created in DEP’s Clean Water Academy to explain the differences between the 2019 and 2024 versions of PAG-02, how to complete the NOI, and more.
New Forms as of August 31, 2024:
The forms listed below were all published within DEP's eLibray in 2024.
Helpful Links
- PDF - Homeowners Guide to Stormwater BMP Maintenance
- LINK – NRCS Web Soil Survey
- PDF – Berks County Hydric Soils
- PDF – Chapter 102 Regulations
- LINK – PA DEP’s Chapter 102 FAQ
- PDF – Erosion and Sediment Control for Water Well Drilling and Aquifer Testing
- PDF – Underground Utility Line Construction E&S BMP Manual
- LINK – Pollution Prevention Contingency Plan
- PDF – PA DEP’s Riparian Buffer Guidance
- PDF – Standards for Channel Cleaning at Bridges and Culverts
- PDF / FAQ– Offsite Discharges to Areas That Are Not Surface Waters
- PDF – Asbestos Demo Poster
- PDF – Asbestos Removal Guidance from PA DEP
- Right to Know Form - Please contact the Conservation District Office Manager to obtain this form.
ELECTRONIC PLAN SUBMISSIONS: The Berks County Conservation District will now be accepting electronic plan submissions. Please click on the BCCD Digital Submission Procedure 2024 button available at the top of this page for submission instructions and requirements .