Timber Harvests

The cutting and removal of trees for sale requires Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices to be implemented in order to minimize accelerated erosion and sediment pollution that can result from earth disturbance activities. A timber harvest E&S plan is required for timber harvest project proposing less than 25 acres of earth disturbance. (See documents and forms below.)

Any timber harvesting project that disturbs 25 acres or more (including the haul road, skid trails, landing areas, etc.) is required to obtain an Erosion and Sediment Control Permit (ESCP).

Test pic

Per Chapter 102 regulations, a written E&S plan is required to be developed and implemented whenever a project, including a timber harvest activity, involves earth disturbance greater than or equal to 5,000 square feet. Per memorandums of understanding between the Berks County Conservation District and Berks County municipalities, this E&S plan is to be received and reviewed by the Conservation District.

Note: Clearing and grubbing activities are not considered timber harvest activities and may require an E&S plan or NPDES permit.

All applications for timber harvesting activities submitted to the BCCD must contain these items:

  • Completed Project Application Form
  • Timber Harvest Plan or ESCP Application,
  • Check for the appropriate fee.

Please submit two copies of the Timber Harvest Plan or ESCP application to the Conservation District.

Please note there are two templates for timber harvest E&S plans below: one is specific to the BCCD, and one was created by the PADEP. The BCCD can accept either of these template timber harvest E&S plans. Both the BCCD and DEP templates do not need to be submitted - submitting one of these to the BCCD is adequate.

Documents and Forms

PDF-  BCCD Timber Harvest E&S Plan Forms

LINK - DEP Timber Harvest E&S Plan Forms

LINK - Erosion and Sediment Control Permit Application

PDF - Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program Manual

Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine

On September 22, 2014, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Game Commission, confirmed the presence of the Spotted Lanternfly in Berks County, Pennsylvania, the first detection of this non-native species in the United States.

Upon determination that the potential impact to Pennsylvania's agricultural economy and natural resources was great, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture issued a quarantine with the intent to restrict the movement of the Spotted Lanternfly on November 1, 2014. Counties in eastern Pennsylvania are under a limited movement quarantine as the Department of Agriculture and its federal, state, local and non-governmental cooperators develop a strategy to eliminate this pest from the Commonwealth.

All of Berks County is under the quarantine. Please check the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture's Spotted Lanternfly webpage. Up to date maps of the quarantine are available from a link in the side bar on the right entitled: "Lycorma Quarantine Map" (scroll down to the "Publications" section).

Persons planning timber harvest activities in Berks County may need to consult with the PA Dept. of Agriculture prior to proceeding with the harvest.

Berks County Conservation District 1238 County Welfare Road, Suite 200, Leesport, PA 19533  •  610-372-4657

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