What is the Conservation District?
We are here for YOU! As part of the County of Berks, we offer information on Erosion & Sediment plan reviews, Agricultural Assistance, Environmental Education, West Nile Virus, and many other conservation activities.
What is an Affiliate Member?
Our Affiliate Members recognize the importance of protecting our soil and water natural resources, and assist the Conservation District with a financial donation to help offset costs of projects, educational workshops, and other programs.
We thank all our 2024 Affiliate Members for their contribution and support!
Amity Township (https://amitytownshippa.com/wp/)
Barwis Construction LLC (http://www.barwisconstruction.com/)
Blue Rock Construction Inc. (https://www.blrck.com/about-us/)
Bogia Engineering Inc. (https://www.bogiaeng.com/)
Borough of Fleetwood (https://www.fleetwoodboro.com/)
Brecknock Township (https://www.brecknockberks.com/)
LTL Consultants, Ltd. (https://www.ltlconsultants.com/)
Maidencreek Township (https://maidencreek.net/before-you-dig/)
Penn Township (https://penntownshipberks.org/)
Pike Township (https://www.piketownship.org/)
Pine Creek Valley Watershed Association (https://www.pinecreekwatershed.org/)
Reading Area Water Authority (https://www.readingareawater.com/)
Runwell Solutions, Inc. (https://www.runwellsolutions.com/)
Spring Township Parks & Recreation Department (https://www.springtwpberks.org/parks-recreation)
Senator Scott Martin (https://senatorscottmartinpa.com/)